Sunday, November 20, 2011

Twelve Houses/Bhava's

The First house is called Thanu Bhava. It deals with or represents the beginning of life, childhood, health, environment, personality, the physical body and character.

The Second house represents family, face, right eye, food, wealth, literary gift, and manner and source of death, self-acquisition and optimism.

The Third house rules brothers and sisters, intelligence, cousins and other immediate relations.

The Fourth house indicates peace of mind, home life, mother, conveyances, house property, landed and ancestral properties, education and neck and shoulders.

The Fifth house indicates children, grandfather, intelligence, emotions and fame.

The Sixth house rules over debts, diseases, enemies, miseries, sorrows, illness and disappointments.

The Seventh represents wife, husband, marriage, urinary organs, marital happiness, sexual diseases, business partner, diplomacy, talent, energies and general happiness.

The Eighth indicates longevity, legacies and gifts and unearned wealth, cause of death, disgrace, degradation and details pertaining to death.

The Ninth rules father, righteousness, preceptor, grandchildren, intuition, religion, sympathy, fame, charities, leadership, journeys and communications with spirits.

The Tenth indicates, occupation, profession, temporal honours, foreign travels, self-respect, knowledge and dignity and means of livelihood.

The Eleventh represents means of gains; elder brother and freedom from misery.

The Twelfth rules losses ; expenditure, waste, extravagance, sympathy, divine knowledge, Moksha and the state after death.

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